Clarity On Fire

Blog: Why your career is less important than you think



As some of you may know, my grandpa passed away a few weeks ago. Sitting in his memorial service, surrounded by the people he loved the most, hearing the minister and family members reminisce about my grandpa and his life, I had an intense moment of clarity. All the memories that were shared about my grandpa that day centered around who he was as a person. There were stories about his extreme generosity, his humor, his steady positivity, his hardworking spirit, his dedication to his family, his beliefs, values, and convictions. People remembered him for his quick smile, his bear hugs, his unexpected gifts, his commitment to his church, his love of golf and car racing, and the way he started every conversation with a family member with, “Hello, I love you.” Only one line of his eulogy mentioned his career as a salesman. That’s it. And this was a man who loved working! He got a huge sense of purpose and pride from his career and its ability to provide for his family. Yet, in the end, that was the least talked a