Clarity On Fire

Getting un-stuck from a beige existence with Nate Otto



If you’ve been feeling trapped, stuck, and directionless in your life and career, it can feel like you’re living life in beige, when all you really want is to be living in vibrant color. Nate Otto has been fighting the beige for years. In this month’s interview with a normal person, Kristen chats with Nate about how he finally broke through a colorless existence and started to find his place in the world. Nate is a brilliant, creative, innovative thinker who suppressed his inner inquisitive nature and vibrant spirit for much of his life before deciding enough was enough. He decided to stop complaining, get curious, seek support, and make changes. He shares his whole journey with us, in this interview. On this episode we talk about: Why so many of us get stuck in complacency, and the dangers of not questioning the status quo. How it feels to be too colorful for your workplace (& life in general), and the heartbreak of not belonging. Why complaining is the first step toward change, and how to turn your com