Clarity On Fire

Rachel Rants: Being smart is NOT that important



One of my favorite movies of all time is Moonstruck, starring Cher and Nicolas Cage. Even if you haven’t seen it, you’d probably recognize the scene where Nic Cage’s character sighs, in his dopey way, that he’s in love with Cher’s character. And then Cher rears back, slaps him in the face twice, for good measure, and says, “Snap out of it!” Well this new podcast segment is me, stepping into my inner Cher and doing what I love—snapping people out of it. There’s a time and place for more grounded, astute, in-depth reflections about life and what to do about your problems (that’s what blogs and, you know, every other episode of this podcast are for). But sometimes you just need a good, righteous rant. It’s cathartic! So, every once in a while, instead of writing a new blog or republishing an old one, I’m going to spend a few minutes getting fired up about something, in the hopes that I’ll get you fired up, too, and maybe even snap you out of whatever daze you’ve found yourself in. Today I’m ranting about why bei