Clarity On Fire

Why career coaching has almost nothing to do with your career



Here’s a metaphor for you: You’re a tree. You’ve got lots of branches—career, romance, friends, family, hobbies, health—but only one trunk. If your “career” branch is feeling lackluster, does it really make sense to spend a lot of time pruning, clipping, and sprucing just that branch? Isn’t it likely that if one branch is withering, all of the branches might be affected? And in that case, why not direct your attention to the (brace yourself for a pun) root of the matter? It seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised by how many people are busy trying to perfect one branch of their tree without doing any of the deeper work needed to help the whole system thrive. So instead of a new blog, and to highlight the fact that we’re taking on about 20 new coaching clients starting today (info below!), in today’s podcast episode we’re expanding on this metaphor by getting into why career coaching has almost nothing to do with your career. We’re talking about … Why a new job is never the solution to your misery (ev