Clarity On Fire

Contagious Love with dating & relationship coach Carla Romo



Have you ever been guilty of “painting red flags green?” AKA, trying very hard NOT to see (and actively rationalizing and excusing) someone’s questionable patterns and potential deal-breakers so that you can go right on dating them? Or, as Rachel creepily likes to put it, “dating the same person over and over again, in a different skin-suit.” There’s no other way to parse it: Codependence is a B, ya’ll. Even if you can see yourself painting red flags green, or dating the same person in a different skin suit, doesn’t mean you can stop the pattern in its tracks. The compulsion for love, even if the attempt to get it is actively hurting us, runs deep. Carla Romo, a dating and relationship coach and this month’s expert podcast guest, knows a thing or two about that. So much so, in fact, that she recently published an entire book about breaking free from codependence for good! We talked with Carla about… What codependence actually is, and why most people (literally 90%!) are on the codependent spectrum. Signs tha