Clarity On Fire

Blog: Are you blocking yourself from joy?



“I think I’m bad at joy,” said my client Laura at the start of our last coaching call. She went on to tell me about a mini road trip she and her boyfriend took over the weekend. There was a moment in the car when everything felt right in the world — the sun was shining, the windows were down, her favorite music was blasting, and her boyfriend smiled over at her and put his arm around the back of her seat. “I literally thought my heart was going to burst, I was so blissed out in that moment,” she said. But it didn’t last long. Almost immediately, Laura’s mind started to freak out: “I really shouldn’t have taken this trip. My boss is already annoyed that I took a whole week off earlier this month, and now I’m taking another long weekend?? Ugh, going back to work on Tuesday is going to be fun… And I probably should’ve put the money I spent on this trip toward my student loans. I’m going to be paying those off forever. Maybe I should get a second job. Or a higher paying job. But what kind of job? Do I need a seco