Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: The dread of good things



As much as we all think we want to be happy— “I’ll be happy when I get my dream job!” or “I’ll be happy when I have a relationship”—humans aren’t actually very good at happiness. As long as the happiness remains an idea in our mind, it’s safe to linger on. But when happiness because a reality, all of a sudden, we start to trip over ourselves. We wait for the other shoe to drop. We fret about losing the thing that’s made us happy. Can we never win?? Why do we do that to ourselves? You’d think if we’d finally managed to get somewhere good, we’d marinate in it for a while instead of immediately finding something else to have anxiety about. In this month’s brand-new side chat, we’re talking about the dread of good things; AKA, upper limit problems. We got into… How to identify if you’re having an upper limit problem, and the difference between that and a plain old problem. How to break through an upper limit problem. The story of what we’ve both been going through in the past year, and all of the upper limit pro