Clarity On Fire

Message from the Universe: Make a choice



In times like these, it can be especially hard to tune into your intuition and receive guidance. Fear and uncertainty create a LOT of noise, both internally and externally! And, ironically, it’s exactly when we’re most afraid and unsure that we most need to be able to receive wisdom and inspiration. Back in April we started doing regular “Message from the Universe” episodes to help get us through the pandemic. While we stopped doing them regularly a few months ago, we promised they’d be back at random, probably when you most needed a little encouragement! So, if you’re having a hard time getting calm, quieting your mind, and tuning in lately (understandable, if so!), we hope this message will give you an extra boost of guidance today. We pulled 3 cards from each of two different oracle decks. One or both has a message for you! Click here to see the cards, as well as read the description of each! After you listen, come leave a comment to share how the message landed with you. MORE ABOUT TODAY’S READINGS We use