I Share Hope: Chris Williams

Ukelele Teacher - Don't Give Up! Something cool may come along.. with John Atkins #isharehope Episode 100



  After making a few online ukulele tutorials to amuse a friend a few years ago, I've since managed to parlay it into a career as a full-time YouTube who has given up his office job in IT and travelled across the USA to meet several of my viewers in person. For a mini animated version of the story, check out my Draw My Life video here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqspxvJB9LI. I had actually considered my story in the context of 'hope' even before you'd contacted me. Before I started making the videos I was incredibly depressed with my life - stuck in a dead end job, overweight, unhealthy, no social life etc. With the confidence I gained from the feedback I received from making the videos I ended up losing a lot of weight, getting a better job (which I was later able to quit entirely!) travel across the States and make lots of new friends. It's genuinely changed my life in ways that I never could have dared imagine when I first started. On top of that, I receive comments frequently from people who say that