Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

11.17.2019 - Living Faithfully Now



Hi friends! I took a week off from preaching, but not from our sermon series.  Last week the passage in the Sermon on the Mount was the "ask, seek, knock" and "the golden rule" - which was not at all planned, but timed perfectly with our annual Homeless Awareness Weekend.  It was always our tradition to have one or two kids stand up and share their experiences, but last year I actually made every single one of our participants stand up and share something that they had prepared either the night before or that morning.  They did SO well that we did it again this year and I opted not to preach at all.  There definitely is a part of me that doesn't like to "give up" my sermon time, but honestly - it was necessary this year.  The reflections were SO GOOD and said a thousand things that I never could have.  The adults were reflecting on what the kids said all week - I told the confirmands on Sunday this week that they should be proud. So here we are - one wee away from finishing this sermon series!  I have always