

It's probably not news to you that blogging is an incredible way to build your business and your brand. As tempting as it may be, building your business on rented land such as Facebook is quite risky. The only guarantee we have today with the social networks is change. Mastering the skills and knowing how to build and utilize an integrated social and digital platform inclusive of a quality blog will help separate any marketer and business from the crowd of status quo. The #1 question we hear from the clients our agency, Marketing Nutz works with is "how do I build a blog and write content that brings real and measurable business results?  The days of hiring an SEO company to simply throw up some text on a page, buy some links and watch the sales come in are over and done. The truth is these lazy tactics never really worked that well anyway. If you want to learn the foundational requirements for writing a successful blog post that will support your business and marketing goals and objectives then you have lan