

Why is it so many smart social media and digital marketers claim they want to lead or are already leading their industry and niche?  They write blog posts, record and publish videos, webinars and podcasts teaching and preaching others how to build a unique brand or how to have ultra success overnight. They talk about differentiation and how to stand out from the crowd.  However, when you do the "double click" and take a deeper look at their strategies, tactics, and content you may see it's truly lacking differentiation. They have become a spitting identical image to everyone else.  Too often they are chasing shiny object, have a deep rooted fear of missing out and end up wasting cycle after cycle on social networks, technology and tactics that simply are not even appropriate for their business. They forget who they are serving, such as their customer and audience as they get caught up in social media fame and being the first to make the leader board on a social shiny object.  Unfortunately many of them don't