

Are you a digital or social marketer wanting to progress in your business and marketing career? Do you find yourself getting stuck, getting passed over for promotions? Do you often find it hard to win budgets, grow your team or simply justify your own job? Or it could be you are having a hard time landing or even keeping the job in the first place. If this is you, then you definitely landed on the right blog post and podcast today. Social media is not a band-aid for a broken business. If business leaders really want to ignite business results using digital and social marketing, they must do more than hire a social media intern who knows how to get new followers on Instagram, post to Snapchat and do a live video stream on Facebook. Before you even think about how you are going to tweet, snap, live video stream or tell stories on Instagram, you better nail the business goals and have more than a 101 level understanding of business and marketing. If you are a social and digital marketer working at a new company