

Register for Webinar: Irresistible Content Creation & Curation: Are you sick and tired of spinning your wheels in the content creation marketing engine feeling as if you are creating, creating, creating loads and mounds of content yet getting nowhere? ROI is not something you have seen in a long, long time?  Have you ever thought that maybe you have lost your mojo? Maybe, just maybe you have been shot down one too many times? Maybe you are falling to some lazy content marketing tactics without even knowing it? Or could be you are stuck in a bit of a rut? You know what they say about "insanity." Doing the same thing over and over and over, yet expecting a different result. Could this be you? If this is you... have no fear. I am here to help you do a reality check and get a grip on your content marketing program starting right now.  Take a listen to episode #234 of the Social Zoom Factor Podcast where I serve you a serious yet nice dose of TOUGH LOVE! Find out i