

Do you need a personal brand as a working professional? Here are 5 reasons why you do and why personal branding is an absolute requirement for business today. Learn more at Do you need to worry about your personal brand as a working professional? Or is a personal brand only for those “online gurus” trying to get rich and famous? The truth is this… You have a brand regardless if you plan it or not. Your brand is made of perceptions. You can sit in a room and create, ideate, and develop your brand for the next year to 10 years. You can create fancy messages, fancy graphics and amazing social profiles that rock the online web. However, at the core of human attraction is the fact that people will either like you and your brand or they won't. They will decide within a matter of 8 seconds if they are going to stick around on your website, LinkedIn profile or Facebook page… or not. Your brand is not simply the fancy graphics, words and colors you spent hours, days an