

Content marketing in 2018 is going to hit a new dimension of importance, organization and integration. Smart and savvy marketers know the days of throwing social spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks are over and done. It's not good enough to just create cool visuals, be on Facebook Live video daily and tweet a few links. The social web is getting noisier by the minute. If you are ready to once and for all see a real return on your investment in social media and digital marketing you need to look deeper than the follows, clicks and retweets. Download 2018 Content Calendar Template  It's time to get 100% proactive to take the time to plan and ensure every piece of content is providing massive value for your audience and aligns clearly to your business goals and objectives. A perfect way to begin adding more organization, prioritization and results for your content marketing is by utilizing a content marketing editorial calendar to plan your content. Showing up on Facebook every morning thinking "hmmm...wh