Full Metal Hipster

The Full Metal Hipster Playlist #16



Welcome to a post-Halloween installment of the Full Metal Hipster playlist. Okay, so most of the music in this episode isn't particularly seasonal, but there's still a butt load of great metal to enjoy. Once you mash that play button you'll hear new music from THEM (Facebook), Tommy '86 (Facebook), Krypts (Facebook), Seputus (Facebook) and Anignorisis (Facebook). Enjoy these Halloween treats, fam! If you’re an iTunes user, don’t forget to subscribe to Full Metal Hipster, and leave me some good reviews/5 star ratings for God’s sake! If you’re not an Apple fanboy, you can stream or download each episode from my website FullMetalHipster.com, my Stitcher page, or on the podcast host site. I’m on Twitter at @MetalShayne2000 and Facebook, too, ya bums! For always and forever, the demo was better! Episode Playlist: THEM (Buy the Music) - "Dead of Night" Tommy '86 (Buy the Music) - "Transhumanism" Krypts (Buy the Music) - "The Withering Titan" Seputus (Buy the Music) - "The Fist That Makes Flesh" Anagnorisis (Buy t