Don't Freak Out! An Anxiety Podcast With Allison Micco

Tosha McLaren author of Lies My Mind Tells Me



Welcome to Episode 26! I'm talking with Tosha McLaren, author of Lies My Mind Tells Me. She helps people who believe that anxiety is NOT a life sentence and are ready to do whatever it takes to excel in their lives! With over 13 years of experience in the mental health field, she has overcome her own severe OCD and anxiety. Tosha aims to heal the entire body, not just the mind. Here are my favorite gems from this week’s episode: All about her new book, Lies My Mind Tells Me The Five Senses of Peace that we can use to link back into the moment and stay chill during panic How anxiety can be a pathway to joy (hint- foster your strengths!) How mindset can be the most powerful tool for recovery The three legs that make up anxiety (and how to break them down!) Check me on Facebook! Follow me on Instagram Get my FREE guide for how to stop freaking out: