Pinks Boutique Podcast With Kirstie & Luke Sherriff




I know it mind sound incredibly selfish but I want my husband to look good and take care of his skin. I am married to him and to some extent he represents me and I want him to be the best version of himself. Even though there are men who like to take care of themselves and have already adopted a skincare regime the majority of them still don’t. The $64 million question in my household at the moment is: Why not? Some of the conclusions we came up with are: they are too lazy, they think it’s too complicated, they think it’s for girls, that it’s just a female thing to get into, they can’t be bothered, or they’re too cynical of the marketing, they don’t think it works. If you have any answer to this question, please do let us know!!!!! Today I’m here to support you and all the other women that have come up to me and said “I can’t make him do it” and give you some ideas on how to get around those old fashioned arguments and sort of manipulate them towards it Tip number one: lay all the products out in your bathroo