One Voice Can Change The World With Tina Bangel

Ep 007 How an energy healer can help build your singing confidence



I use singing as my way of releasing my frustrations and expressing myself. It’s a way to calm me and I enjoy the spiritual feeling I get from it. It must be the deep breathing and the centering. But what happens when singing is your job and sometimes you always fall sick before an important gig. Over the years, through dealing with students and professional singers, I had noticed that the first thing to go is the voice. What happens when you can’t overcome performance anxiety no matter how much you practice. This is where Melissa Zammit, of Pure Energy Therapies, comes in. This is just another resource that you can use to overcome performance anxiety or to prepare yourself for gigs, mentally and physically. Melissa is a fully qualified Energetic Healing practitioner. (Diploma of Energetic Healing). She has a background in Cancer Nursing and experience as a Clinical Nurse Consultant working directly with woman with Breast Cancer. Melissa and I first met at a Marie Forleo’s B-school gathering and from the mome