Chicken Thistle Farm Coopcast

023 Planting the vegetable gardens, injured chicks, humane treatment of animals / livestock, building a chicken brooder



This week’s updates around the farm and gardens: Piglets getting porked up; getting names and getting weaned, New layer chickens now in coop with the rest of the flock, Cornish X chicks in the brooder had some pecking issues, Managing hurt chickens and turkeys, New brooder for turkeys, Veggies planted, seeds planted, mulching has begun - the gardens are in, CSA starting this week! In the News: Factory farm and its treatment of animals - Baby chicks made 300 people sick over 8 years - ohh the horror - CDC Report on foodborne Salmonella numbers - This week on Farm U: Building a chicken brooder, What makes a good brooder, Differences between broiler chicken / egg laying chicken and turkey brooder design, Some tips for managing your brooder to make life easier for you.