Chicken Thistle Farm Coopcast

032 Successfully moving our sow to pasture, storm damage on the farm, antibiotics in livestock and their meat



This weeks updates include: Hermione's move to the pasture reuniting her with her piglets, Club station cool (what is it)... a shade cloth shelter for pigs when there is no other shade around, We are sold out of pork and share some lessons on ordering / selling pork halves, Chicken processing coming up next weekend, Weather has been hot and dry and the rain has come with a price, Shattered window and shredded turkey shelter. A new segment called The Veggie Patch focuses on the vegetable gardens and gardening techniques we use (because you, the listeners asked for it!) Tomato planting, labels and harvesting, Basil planting techniques in northern climates Farm U inspired by a listener comment on the use of antibiotics on the farm. Is the meat tainted? Why don't you want antibiotics used in livestock What constitutes safe or good use of antibiotics on a farm?