Chicken Thistle Farm Coopcast

034 Greenhouse gardening and soil fertility, growing livestock feed on your farm, preventing Botulism when canning vegetables



A update light week on the farm with: No poultry pens to move, Normal weather for a change on the farm, Turkeys and layers doing well, Pigs have their first weigh in. In the Veggie Patch we talk: Greenhouse soil fertility and design, Low tunnel greenhouses you can build, End of garden season discounts. In the Coopcast Community: On a listeners suggestion Andy is trying Oral Ivy. Sheree asked about growing grain for chickens and supplementing them with veggies/greens from the garden. Brice suggested we invest in some livestock guardian dogs. In this weeks Farm U we learn about the science behind preventing Botulism when canning vegetables.The bacteria lives in all soils and we talk about terms relating to it and defeating it when canning: Spores Anaerobe Soil Pressure and temp pH