Chicken Thistle Farm Coopcast

037 Happy pastured pigs on the farm, vegetable garden tomato blights, pay farming forward (pasture care and seeding for feeding)



We try out a new intro on this weeks show based on a listener iTunes review... Farming Updates this week include: Pigs on new pasture was an easy move, Making a swale for their wallow, New hog feeder feeder in use, Update on O2's limp, Selecting a gilt to keep - what is good conformation? Pork cut sheet designed, Turkey processing dates picked, Turkey ordering form sent out, CSA is ending in 2 weeks. In the Veggie Patch: We talk tomatoes and blight.  What is it, how do you identify it and what can you do about it? In Farm U: We discuss what we are doing to manage pasture spaces after moving pigs off of them.