Swish Edition

SE117: How Do You Pronounce Thedj



For January 20, the Swish Edition is throwing out a fun little episode featuring hot DC-based deejay, DJ Wess. Together with Dale, Scott and Jason, the guys discuss what's hot on the dance floor right now, including Britney's auto-tuned-to-hell "Hold It Against Me." They also talk about dancing amongst the lesbians, the big gay wins on the Golden Globes, the return of "Big Love," revisit Elton John's poor baby, chat about how you can now go visit your gay peeps in the hospital, celebrate DC keeping gay marriage, why Piers Morgan won't ever have Madonna on his new CNN show, and shout out to Swish fan Pablo in Cali.The boys also talk about NPH and Scott's mutual love of cock...er...roosters, Regis leaving his show after 22 years, tell you why you NEED to search for "Black Spark" on XTube, and they follow it all up with a friendly game of "Would You Rather," the dirty version! Like, "Would you rather piss a marble or poop a bowling ball?" Hmmmm?Highbrow entertainment, people. Of course, we have all the news from