Swish Edition

SE120: I Am The List Bitch



This Thursday finds Dale, Scott and Jason in the studio...with an audience. For the first time ever, they broadcast both sound and video of the taping session LIVE on UStream. Although it was only an experiment, they hope to do it more in the future and plan to interact with viewers in real time, making them part of the finished show.Discussions include a SuperBowl recap (X-tina! The commercials! The Black Eyed Peas! Oh, and the game!), the return of Glee, defining 'Jumping the Shark' for Dale, the gay Jersey Shore auditions, Shia LeBeouf gets arrested for being called a fag, does anyone need or want .gay?, AOL has $300 million?!, Ryan Yezak's videos keep getting pulled down, the new super-hot Abercrombie model, Broadway's Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark reviews are in, Barbra Streisand will be in the new Gypsy movie, and 90210's Trevor Donovan has dirty feet. And he's naked.And this week, we introduce our popper helmet invention...the Popper Hopper. Exclusively here.We also have the premiere of Sherry Vine's n