Love-based Money

Episode 51 – Deanna Maio on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Find Your True Voice and Shine (with the Most Confidence, Vitality, and Presence You’ve Ever Had!). In this episode, Michele interviews coach Deanna Maio, founder and owner of Confident Voice Studio in Portland, Oregon. Deanna is a successful business owner who coaches people who are in the limelight—professionally or recreationally. She made a drastic change in her life when she pursued her own creative endeavors, and it completely changed her life. A performer now for more than 38 years, Deanna is a big believer in following your heart and mastering your talents (and her passion is to help others do the same). In this episode, you learn: Exactly what to do to have a lasting impact on your audience (whether it’s a stage performance, public speech, or singing gig). How (and why!) to turn your creative hobbies into your business (which is not only possible, but profitable!). How to transform “burn out” into fuel for pursuing your creative endeavors. How to know when to reinvent yourself so you’re successful,