Love-based Money

Episode 53 – 3 Keys to Growing a Successful Love-Based Business



In this solo episode, Michele unveils a juicy new revamp to the Love-Based Money podcast, which includes: • A Facebook group! Now, you have a place to join the Love-Based Business Movement and be a part of a community to help you grow your business and live your life on a foundation of love. This will be a place where we can come together to ask questions and share stories on how we can all shift our businesses and our lives to a foundation of love. • A chance to get your questions answered. Each week on Love-Based Money, Michele will answer one of YOUR questions. If you want to submit a question or a topic request, all you need to do is hop on over to the Love-Based Business Movement Facebook group or you can leave a comment right here on the blog. Michele also shared 3 keys to growing a successful, profitable love-based business as well as living a love-based life (there’s more than 3, but these keys can at least get us started). These principles are crucial as we continue navigating shifting our lives and