Love-based Money

Episode 54 – Linda Joy on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Live a Deep, Authentic, Inspired Life, Personally and Professionally. In this episode, Michele interviews Linda Joy, visibility catalyst, authentic marketing mentor, and nine-time best-selling publisher. Her mission in all things is to inspire women to live deeper, more authentic and inspired lives personally and professionally. Here, Linda Joy shares her story of living in poverty and being on welfare, to working in jobs that killed her soul, to creating, losing, and eventually re-creating a six-figure business. In this episode, you also learn: The “Five Feminine Success Principles”—aka “spiritual guideposts”—that have become Linda Joy’s foundational marketing principles, so you can create authentic connection with your clients. How to integrate your truth, your energy, and your essence into your marketing efforts (so you can watch them—along with a line of customers—show up in your biz!). How pain from your past can actually help shape your new, healthy money story. How to stop beating yourself up for perc