Love-based Money

Episode 68 – The Messy Side of Success



Why Success Is Never a Straight Line. In this episode of Love-Based Money, Michele PW flies solo to share her recent experience in creating a successful marketing strategy. You can read more about the actual strategy here, but in a nutshell, she started a brand-new blog from scratch, and it took about a year to really start getting some traction. However, looking back, she has since realized she was at the cusp of a breakthrough five months previous, but had consciously pulled back when her fear-based emotions (what else?) reared their ugly heads. Now, what’s important is she didn’t stop—she kept moving forward (although at a reduced rate), and she allowed the emotions to move through her. The result? She had major breakthrough on multiple levels. On this episode, she walks you through precisely what was triggered in her, what rose up to derail her, how what Steven Pressfield, author of the “War of Art” calls ‘Resistance’ also tried to stop the process, and precisely what she did to move through it. Part of