Love-based Money

Episode 72 – Sneaky Blocks to Your Success



The Secret to Your Success Is in Your Blind Spots. Michele PW flies solo on this episode of Love-Based Money, where she talks about those sneaky blocks to your success. Recently, she updated her main website——that showcases her Love-Based Copy and Marketing Company. The rebrand was way overdue. The site itself was very old. She had done a minor touchup a few years ago to reflect the new Love-Based brand, but the site itself was still outdated in its style. She knew the site needed an overhaul (for years), and yet she never found the time or energy or space to get it done. But, after the new site launched, she started to realize that keeping the old site was a way for her to keep “playing small.” Here’s the thing about playing small (and if you’re not experiencing the success you want, you’re likely playing small on some level)—it’s different for everyone. For some people, it may present as a visibility issue. For whatever reason, they don’t do a lot of interviews or get on a lot of stages (whethe