Love-based Money

Episode 86 – Deborah Fryer on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Stop Chasing the Money and Allow It to Come to You. In this episode, Michele interviews Deborah Fryer, PhD., owner of the Anatomy of Money Coaching Programs. Deborah is a transformational coach and speaker. She works with creative, spiritual, high-achieving entrepreneurs to help them tap into greater confidence, creativity, clarity, and calm. Her belief is that no one is broken, and no one needs fixing. Rather, she sees herself more as a “Michelangelo who pulls away the extra marble to reveal the statue within.” In this episode, you’ll learn: How and why our natural rhythm as human beings applies to our business, as well. The key to getting money to come to you, instead of chasing it. Exactly when the magic happens, in business. The one thing you MUST do in order to move forward in your business. And so much more. Deborah and Michele also both share their stories of their moments of revelation: when they knew they needed to change their mindset and the way they ran their business. Deborah also talks of how,