Daily Dandan

How To Network Like A Pro: The DANDAN Method - Never Stop Networking



As the last step of the DANDAN Method, it is also one you must do as long as YOU WISH TO BE AN ATTRACTIVE EMPLOYEE THAT IS HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER BY ANY EMPLOYER. Never Stop Networking shares tips, ideas, and strategies to make networking actionable - not just a keyword you hear from your college counselors and bogus career "experts". Today's Daily DANDAN covers: - Importance of staying relevant - How do you network: for someone who is unemployed, employed, and somewhere in the middle? - How to behave while networking: be ready, be generous, be sincere, etc. I hope you enjoy this important and FUN step of the method - socializing and networking is a great chance to Nail Your Narrative (Step 3 of DANDAN Method) and Arrange Your Arsenal (Step 2 of DANDAN Method)!