Daily Dandan

Dandan's 4 S's: 4 Major Job Types Daily DANDAN 31



In order to sift through the hoards of career choices available, it's important to simplify and understand the nature of various jobs. Dandan's matrix of the 4 S's is the easiest way to break down multitudes of careers out there by evaluating 2 components: The level of freedom and the degree of technical education required to qualify but more importantly succeed in the role. This matrix will be in flux as you change your job, you're not stuck in any 1 of the 4 quadrants. That's what's so exciting about life planning and career coaching! Dandan Global helps people align careers with your natural strengths and interests, AT the appropriate time to enact the best strategy for your maximum success. Sign-up at Dandanglobal.com for game-changing life and career advice!