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Custom Moves Make the Game



Guest: Jen of Slugfest Games @halcycat on Twitter Timecodes: 1:33 - What are Custom Moves? 29:22 - Act Under Fire - Making a Custom Move exercise Links: The Story Games "Custom Moves make the game" thread: http://story-games.com/forums/discussion/13109/apocalypse-world-custom-moves-make-the-game/p1 Some of Jen's awesome Monsterhearts Custom Moves: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kjVqgHQaQb4Ulieqv1KvMD6tdYzz_9jS8-pix44XPTE/edit Candy Bar Visit Custom Move: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FeaYjJ6TjkB8D4RYG4vVLGmPvtV-QVJHDWlvuR8OMEQ/edit?usp=sharing