Big Birth Junkie

1 • Natalie (Mimi) Dohler : 4 Births 4 Different Ways, Birth Tear & Episiotomy (The Judy Chicago Series)



So many people think that the birth of each of their babes will be just like the first one. Not true. Mimi shares the birth stories for all 4 of her children, all of whom have very different beginnings. We are going to hear a full range of stories that include spontaneous labor, medical inductions, tearing, episiotomies, pitocin, epidurals and au natural. This is a special edition of Big Birth Junkie that coincides with the artwork of Judy Chicago's Birth Project Born Again Series at the Pasadena Museum and relates to her piece: Birth Tear  _________ For more information to go: or follow us: @gracefullbirth or our guest: @mimidohler __________ This episode is sponsored by GraceFull where you can find BBJ's host Elizabeth's free ebook: Birth Planning: All the Questions to Ask and all kinds of educational videos including Childbirth Education, Advanced Doula Trainings and Lactation Support.  If you live in Los Angeles, check out our midwives for home births, water birth, and our accredited birthin