In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL144: What Should You Make Your Kids Work For, and What Should You Just Give Them?



On this week’s episode, I discuss a popular listener question: “What should you provide for your kids, and what should they have to work for?” Some parents have a cut and dry answer for that, but I don’t. My answer changes depending on what’s going on. It’s according to how they are behaving. If I sense a spirit of gratefulness, then there are more things that I will handle for them. A lot of the time it’s not even things they are aware of.  The one thing that can truly stop it in a heartbeat is if I sense a spirit of expectation or a lack of gratefulness. Then it’s a totally different ballgame. There was a time last week that I needed to drive Austin around to several locations for the business he has started.  Something distracting was happening when we got home, and a few minutes later I was aware that Austin had not thanked me for doing that for him. I used this situation to explain to him that as he grew older, life would become more chaotic and there will be more occasions to forget how to act. Peopl