In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL174: Take a Peek Inside the Writing Process of 21-Time Bestselling Author Jerry Jenkins



On this week’s episode, we’re honored to have special guest Jerry Jenkins with us to share his proven writing process.   Give us a snapshot of your journey that got you into writing. I played on a state championship little league team. I was hurt my freshman year in high school playing football and decided to be a sports writer so I could stay close to the games. We’re a bad example to great writers because we can’t identify the different parts of a sentence but composition was something that came so natural.   Did you go to college to write? My first year of college was at Moody Bible Institute. I wanted to go to journalism school, but by the time I was 19 I was a sports editor of a local paper and never did finish college. I felt a call as a teenage to full time ministry. I thought I would have to give up my writing to full-time ministry. Someone counseled me and said, “God sometimes equips us before he calls us. Don’t assume you have to give up writing. It may be the vehicle that you use to fulfill your