In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL 189: The Massive Upside to Determining Destination First, Methods Second



On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question on how to guide your thinking when beginning with the very best end result in mind.   I really believe that “the best” is an ever-expanding target. As your understanding of what is possible expands, your determination of what the best is will also expand. When people talk about best practices and industry standards, they’re talking about the way everybody has thought and operated for years. Don’t let your methods determine your Determine the destination first and then design the methods that will get you there.   The destination you determine should be the very best you can possibly imagine. If you imagine something that someone has done before, you’re shooting too low and need to go back to the drawing board. I’m trying to lay out a thought process with a goal so ambitious that I will be forced to come up with methods that will approach it. A shift in thinking creates a shift in choices and actions—and eventually results. If you want massive results wit