In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL208: How to Break Free from the “Victim” Mindset and Go Accomplish Amazing Things



On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question on how I’ve chosen not to focus on being a victim and how you, too, can keep away from this mentality.   There are challenging things happening in all our lives that give us the opportunity to “check out.” However, you can choose what mentality you focus on. There isn’t really a how. You either choose your mentality or you do not.   Society continues to believe that choice is the foundation of everything we do. That is like flipping a coin if you don’t know the foundation of what a good choice is or why choices yield certain results. Your thinking is the foundation. Every choice you’ll ever make is based on it. Because you have free will, you can choose how you think by deciding who you spend time with, what you read or watch, and what you spend time thinking about. Choosing your thinking requires you to act against your instincts.   I have never seen an incredible leader who was not incredible at leading themselves. You have been created with a will t