In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL210: The 3 Laws of Baby Naming, and Surprising Writing Advice from an Author



On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question about how Polly and I determined the names of our boys; we also discuss how incorrect writing can become your style. We all have seen names where we think, “What in the world? Did you not think this through for a second?” I love names, but there are some that should no longer be in use (you don’t see any little Attilas running around anymore). You don’t want to name your kids: Something someone is going to make fun of. A name that has a weird connotation. Something they’ll have to spell out for the rest of their lives.   I told Polly that she can name the boys whatever she wants, but they have to start with an “A.” We always liked “Austin,” and his middle name, Gray, was one of my grandfathers’ names. When Adam was about 9 years old, he asked where his name came from. It just came out of my mouth: “Well buddy, we named you Adam because it must be God’s favorite name.”   The second question I’m answering in this episode is, what advice do you have for