In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL218: THE TALK: Ideas on When and How to Have It with Your Kids



On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question about dating and when it’s time to give your children “the talk.”   This week’s question is from a parent with two boys, so let me start by saying… I don’t think there’s anything more important in relationship-building than to tell those two boys how brothers act. Tell them your house is a laboratory they can use to become the kind of adults who can deal with all kinds of people after navigating through sibling disagreements.   There’s going to be plenty of time for boys to be wild-eyed about girls. 5th grade is not the time to press the dating issue. If your child has a friend of the opposite sex, don’t take them somewhere and tell them they are on a date. In my opinion, you are forcing something into this child’s head before it’s time.   You always want to have an open dialogue with your kids. I urge you to watch them closely, and watch the parents of your kids’ friends closely. Ask questions. Boys are much more comfortable talking while they’re do