In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL228: Still Deciding Who to Vote For? Keep Asking Yourself This One Question



On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question on what people should be looking for in a presidential candidate.   Have you ever known something but later found out you were wrong? Is it possible you know what’s best? The best is the truth. Things can be true in a certain context, but not the whole truth. When people find what is true to them, they stop searching and don’t go any farther. You can know the truth and not accomplish the best, but you will never accomplish the best without the truth.   The only time most people ask ‘why’ is when things aren’t working. When they get the answer, they don’t ask anymore. Always keep asking ‘why’—about the things that are working as much as you ask ‘why’ about the things that are not. Only a principle can provide a bottom line or the truth. Principles work every time, whether you know them or not.   A wise person knows when a compromise will be useful or foolish. Wise compromises are made with opinions. You get 100% of the value of the compromise. When you