In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL235: The Wild Story of My Career: Touring With Joan Rivers and Cher (Pt. 2 of 3)



On this week’s episode, I’m continuing to talk about the events that have shaped my career and how I learned to be willing and ready to pivot.   I wasn’t clear on my direction when I started—I had no clue this was in the cards for me. I was willing to endure some things I thought were useless or miserable and look for what I could learn from them. There are things that happened to me 40 years ago that I can now use as stories to help other people.   I never thought that living under the pier would be anything good. I was just trying to endure and get out of there. Normally, people don’t want to be under pressure. But I can show you evidence over and over that peoples’ best work happens under pressure. The proper perspective trumps almost everything.   I was able to tour with Joan Rivers for two years. Opening acts normally don’t get paid much anywhere—but the huge benefit is the exposure. I learned how to treat an opening act from Joan. Joan’s manager also managed Cher. So I got the opportunity to work w