In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL239: Want to Be the One They Choose? Have These “Little Bitty Questions” Ready



On this week’s episode, I’m answering a listener question on how to ask exceptional questions to facilitate great conversations.   If you can figure out how other people make subconscious choices, you will stand out. You are competing. I don’t care if you have an hourly job—you’re an entrepreneur. If you don’t think you’re an entrepreneur, then you’re closer to getting fired than you should be. The competition that really makes a difference is not the obvious kind that’s sitting right in front of you.   Most people are only concerned with how to tell people something, but communication is a two-way street. Ask questions that really pertain to the person you’re talking to. Find a way to edify and encourage. Somebody who is a great communicator and question-asker is more valuable.   Chart your path. Write down three or four questions whose answers you likely know already and prepare a response that will immediately connect the answers with somebody you know. For instance, ask someone where they’re from and