In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL248: Is ADD a Disorder or a God-given Personality Trait?



On this week’s episode, I answer two questions in response to our previous episode, which discussed utilizing attention deficit disorder as an asset.   If you like yourself, and so do others, then what’s the difference between ADD and a God-given personality with strengths and weaknesses? Not much. Learn to be positive with how you are. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. You may think Seabiscuit was the greatest horse of all time, but he would be horrible if you needed him to plow your field.     Try to catch your kid in the act of doing something right. I’ve had teachers and others say, “You need to be more like this,” or “You need to work on this.” If you wanted to pick out all the things your child doesn’t do like everyone else, you could talk to them about it all day long and destroy their belief in themselves in the process. Just because someone operates on a little different plane, it does not make them inferior. I think it’s very important to make a distinction with teenagers that being diffe