In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL250: The Secret to Never Feeling Stuck at Your Current Job



On this week’s episode, I answer a listener question regarding the infamous dead-end job and whether or not it is worth it to take a pay cut for a “white-collar” job.   Times have changed, but people are still stuck in the old way of thinking. Decades of old thinking has made people think they are worth way less than they actually are. People still aspire to have a college education and a desk job, even if it doesn’t turn out to be as profitable as other alternatives. If money wasn’t an object, what would you get up and do every day? Work a job that aligns with your answer to that question.   There is no such thing as a dead-end job. There are so many options and choices out there for you to do if you simply give value to other people. Look at that awesome passion that you love doing and think about what kind of value you can bring to other people with it. When you start creating value for others with your passion, there will be so much demand that you will have to start charging for it.   Tune in to hear