In The Loop With Andy Andrews

How to Deal with the “Bad Apples” in Your Workplace (Before They Destroy Your Business)



  On this week’s episode, we discuss the proper way to deal with employees who bad-mouth a client and why it’s so important to do it quickly.   SO much time and money is lost by people who are too patient with bad apples. Bad apples don’t become good just because they rub up against good ones—just the opposite is true. The client (or customer) is the #1 priority—there is no excuse for employees who complain about, are annoyed with, or bad-mouth them. If it were me, I’d get rid of the bad apples as fast as possible, because this is a nonnegotiable.   You can use these bad apples as a teaching moment for the rest of your team. You can never show enough gratefulness to your client. I would get everyone together and say, “You may have noticed we are down two people, and here’s why…” If you are in a service-oriented industry, bad apples can be the death of you.    Tune in to hear exactly how Andy says he would handle a situation where 2 employees bad-mouthed a client.   Would you like to run something by Andy?