In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL255: Why You Have to Vote in This Election Even if You Don’t Like the Choices



On this week’s episode, we discuss how to vote even when you don’t like either of the candidates.   This election is not about who you will see on TV—it’s about the Supreme Court. The next president, without a doubt, will choose at least 2 (if not 5) Supreme Court Justices because of the ages of these people. How do you feel about abortion or guns? Your stance should decide how you vote. It doesn’t really matter what the candidates say about immigration or taxes because they can’t do that much without the consent of the governed   Voting for the “lesser of two evils” or not voting at all are both bad options. If you use either of these two as excuses, all you’re telling me is you haven’t really thought this through. Everyone has lied and done things they regret, but it doesn’t mean they are evil. Each candidate could lie, but you have to look at who they are surrounding themselves with and make a choice.   Regardless what side you are on, we all really want the same things. We all want the best, but with