In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL263: What to Say to Someone Who’s in Prison



This week, I answer a listener’s question on what they should say to their nephew who has been in prison for a decade. Most people in prison think so much about getting out, they don’t know what to do when they finally are. • This leads to a huge amount of people who end up back in prison. • You can help them plan how they will achieve the life they want. • Let them know the opportunity they have to plan now, before they come back into society. Offer to be their life coach. • Let them know you’re willing to help, but they have to want to improve. • They designed their life in a way that made them end up in prison, so they need guidance. • Urge them to change their mindset and send them impactful books to read. Let them know many people have successfully traveled the path that lies before them. • Tell them you see great hope in their future. • Starting from ground zero isn’t easy, but it can be done. Tune in to hear the three books Andy recommends sending to someone in prison.    You can also hear more from An